About Robin Craig
Organic Intelligence® and Meditation
Robin Craig is a Meditation Teacher in The Mind Illuminated tradition which is rooted in Theravadan and Tibetan Karma Kagyu traditions with lineage to the Venerable Ananda Bodhi. She is Organic Intelligence (OI) Faculty and has mentored with OI Founder Steve Hoskinson since 2006.
Robin Craig is a Meditation Teacher in The Mind Illuminated tradition which is rooted in Theravadan and Tibetan Karma Kagyu traditions with lineage to the Venerable Ananda Bodhi. She is Organic Intelligence (OI) Faculty and has mentored with OI Founder Steve Hoskinson since 2006.
Robin studied Neuroscience at the Vollum Institute for Advanced Biomedical Research in Portland, Oregon before moving to Arizona in 1996 where she became a Licensed Professional Counselor and reconnected with land and heart. Initially, this re-connection came during the time she spent on the Navajo reservation, for the first time experiencing how connection to place and community truly creates a foundation for the exploration of being a human on this planet.
Robin continues to learn from teachers who emphasize the path to awakening that includes cultivating a joyful mind including Kittisaro, Leigh Brasington, Upasaka Culadasa, Rev. angel Kyodo Williams, Bikkhu Analayo, Ajahn Chah, and Guy Armstrong. These teachers have opened the doors for the fullness of kindness and compassion in meditation, with clients, and in moment-to-moment living. Robin has found this to be the foundation from which true healing and awakening can arise.
Today, Robin is exploring how to restore physiological, spiritual, and psychological resiliency through the natural interweaving of Organic Intelligence and meditation. Through her Meditation Teacher Training program and her time studying OI, Robin has been discovering the natural ways that OI’s understanding of going “beyond trauma” goes hand in hand with deep spiritual teachings and practice. Both teachings bring the understanding that joy is a part of the path to the deep spirituality and interconnection that is ours by nature.