Delighting the Heart of Practice

Beginning January 11: An Online Community Based Program

Delighting the Heart of Practice


Cultivating Kindness, Compassion, Joy, & Equanimity

Information and Registration

The qualities of the Brahma Vihāras (Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity) can be developed in a way that is accessible and heart opening. Yet at times, the practices to develop these qualities can feel dry and disconnected. In this Buddhist based online program, informed by the biological understandings of Organic Intelligence®, we will explore these Brahma Vihāras (divine abodes) starting where you are with curiosity and non-jugment.

Clinical Mindfulness Series: From Mud To Lotus

Recognizing and Cultivating Compassion

Clinical Mindfulness Series: From Mud To Lotus

Saturday, July 31, 2021 from 8:30 - 9:30am PDT

Compassion is a pillar of both Organic Intelligence(r) and Buddhism. Yet what do we mean by compassion and how do we cultivate it? How does compassion relate to our fundamental nature, including our biology? How do we experience compassion differently through the three phases of OI, and as a client, an as a therapist?

In this Clinical Mindfulness webinar, OI Faculty and meditation teacher Robin Craig will explore these questions in dialogue with Andi Scott Dumas, another longtime meditator and OI Mentor.

For more information and to join Robin and Andi live, visit the OI Clinical Mindfulness website here.


Black Lives Matter

Resources for Understanding and Liberation

It is natural for historical events to slide out of day to day consciousness; however, it is important to keep in mind that even in moments when overt acts of racism or brutality against black people are not in the public media, these ARE current moment events and issues.

They continue. Most recently Tyre Nichols.

As you remember the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and so many other black people before and since by police, continue to nurture connection with each other and authentic emotions. As we move forward in time, let us not move backwards in our personal, spiritual, and social development.

If you are white bodied, as I am, please take the time to become educated about how we have all been racialized both explicitly and implicitly.  Allow the movement of this moment to touch you, open you to exploration and shifting perspectives so that we do not continue to engage in harming behaviors out of ignorance