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Meditate like Earth

May 6 @ 8:00 am - May 13 @ 5:00 pm

We will be offering practices to support the development of intimacy with the earth element and the freedom of simplicity of mind.

Rāhula asked, “Venerable sir, how is mindfulness of breathing developed and cultivated so that it is of great fruit and great benefit?”

The Buddha replied, “Rāhula, develop meditation that is like the earth; for when you develop meditation that is like the earth, arisen agreeable and disagreeable contacts will not invade your mind and remain.”

When the Buddha’s son Rahula asked about mindfulness of breathing, the first practices the Buddha offered were practices on the elements – developing meditation like the earth, fire, water, air and space. During this week-long retreat, we will be offering practices to support the development of intimacy with the earth element and the freedom of simplicity of mind. We will explore how meditating with the earth brings great fruit and great benefit. Weather permitting, all practices will be held outside.

This retreat includes guidance for meditating while walking, standing, sitting, lying down or however the body is disposed. There will be daily dharma reflections, meditation instructions, small group practice discussions, and Question and Response time.

While this retreat will be held mostly in silence, there will be time at the beginning and ending of the retreat to intentionally connect with other retreatants. During the retreat, you are asked to refrain from using cell phones, computers or accessing the internet in order to fully engage with the experience.


The registration fee includes lodging and three meals per day. The teacher does not receive any compensation from the fees. This structure is based on the practice of Dana, a Pali word meaning generosity. At the end of the retreat you will be given the opportunity to offer a donation to the teacher. Your financial support allows Robin to continue to offer these teachings.

If you’d like to attend, but the costs of this retreat prohibit you from attending, full and partial scholarships can be applied for at Open Dharma Foundation.

For other Nature Dharma retreats see

If you’d like to attend, but the costs of this retreat prohibit you from attending, full and partial scholarships can be applied for at Open Dharma Foundation.

On group retreat, we have the following cancellation policy:

  • 60 days prior to retreat: Full refund, minus a $200 cancellation fee
  • 60-20 days prior to retreat: Half refund
  • 20 days or less prior to retreat: No refunds


Robin Craig is a Teacher in The Mind Illuminated tradition, which is rooted in Theravadan and Tibetan Karma Kagyu traditions with lineage to the Venerable Ananda Bodhi. She is also a Licensed Professional Counselor and on the Faculty of Organic Intelligence®.

Robin has a deep relationship to Cochise Stronghold, connecting with the land and the unfolding of practice over many years. She brings her understanding of the physiology of resilience to her meditation and counseling practices and supports a joyful exploration of the deep spirituality and interconnection that is ours by nature.


Kuan Luo (she/her) is a Chinese-American mindfulness and meditation practitioner, teacher and outdoor educator. She believes spiritual awakening and psychological maturity need each other to fully support healing and transformation in this time of unprecedented change. She facilitates the development of awareness and interpersonal skills, and is an apprentice of nature, Dharma and ancestral living skills. She is a graduate of Sati Center’s Buddhist Eco-Chaplaincy program, and completed the Nature Dharma Training with Susie Harrington, Gil Fronsdal, and Mark Coleman.


May 6 @ 8:00 am
May 13 @ 5:00 pm
Event Category:


Dharma Treasure Retreat Center at Cochise Stronghold
2126 W. Windancer Trail
Cochise, AZ 85606 United States
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