Finding the Way Out

The Way Out Is Understanding The Way In

Restoring physiological and psychological resiliency is the way out of chaos and the way in to feeling alive and experiencing more compassion. It allows you to step out of being driven by underlying physiological disregulation and into the ability to act in the here and now. Once you understand the influence your natural, biological systems have on your reactions, beliefs and behaviors you can more accurately address what is needed to support the return of resiliency.

Meditation Support Cultivating and Deepening Your Meditation Practice

30 Day Programs

Daily Guidance and Practice Support

Develop Your Practice

These freely offered programs provide 30 days of guided meditations and support in bringing practice into your moment-to-moment life.

Dharma Talks

Teachings and Reflections

Learn and Engage

Recorded talks from retreats, Flagstaff Insight, and Organic Intelligence offerings

Practicing in 3D

3 Six Week Courses to develop your practice

Online Programs

Each course offers an opportunity to learn and practice in a community with support to move into a consistent, meaningful practice.

Retreats and Events

Opportunities to Deepen your Practice

Develop Your Practice

Explore upcoming in-person and online events

About Robin Craig

Robin Craig is a Teacher in The Mind Illuminated (TMI) tradition, which is rooted in Theravadan and Tibetan Karma Kagyu traditions with lineage to the Venerable Ananda Bodhi. Robin appreciates the ways in which joy is an integral part of the path to the deep spirituality and interconnection that is ours by nature. Her dharma teaching lineage comes from teachers who have studied in the early Buddhist tradition, as well as teachers in modern Theravada lineages.

Robin is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Faculty of Organic Intelligence®. Her understanding of the ways spirituality is shaped by our biology and physiology support an approach to meditation practice that is non-shaming and flexible and brings an emphasis on the joyful exploration and insight that arises from there.

30 Days of Practice Short Practices to Transform your Mind

30 days of Metta

Cultivating a
Kinder Mind

These daily metta (loving-kindness) practices provide 8-10 minute guided meditations as well as specific invitations for bringing the practice into your moment-to-moment life.

The Wonder of Walking

Walking Meditation
with Robin Craig

30 Days of freely offered guided meditations to support you in cultivating a meaningful walking meditation practice, offering a variety of ways to deepen your practice. 

Practicing in 3D Online Program Develop the Foundations | Delight the Heart | Deepen the Path

The Practicing in 3D Program consists of 3, six week long courses. Each course offers an opportunity to engage in a meditation practice informed by Organic Intelligence® and The Mind Illuminated1, within a community, and with support and instruction along the way.

Each of the three courses supports you in beginning or re-engaging with your meditation practice through:

  • Weekly Live Around the Fire Gatherings
  • Weekly Downloadable Guided Meditations and Topic Talks
  • Question & Response opportunities
  • An Online Learning Classroom
  • Additional Resources, including talks and guided meditations from other voices

Organic Intelligence Freedom to Live Fully

Organic Intelligence (OI) is a theory and clinical practice of human empowerment, resiliency, and compassion to resolve the devastating effects of stress, trauma, and PTSD.  It breaks new ground in positive psychology, clinical training, professional expertise, and personal development. 

OI brings a necessary shift in perspective from pathology and trauma to the proven methods drawn from the science of self-organization.  It teaches how healing happens from the nervous system up and makes it possible to imagine freedom from suffering. Freedom from suffering becomes freedom for living an authentic, vibrant life in the here-and-now.  Learn More.