Practicing in 3D A program for developing your practice
You may have tried, or intended to develop a daily meditation practice, perhaps in isolation or without support and understanding of the why, how and what of practice. Or maybe you had a fruitful practice and something happened that led you to stop practicing. Being able to learn and practice in a community with support from a teacher can be the difference needed for you to move into a consistent, meaningful practice.
The Practicing in 3D Program consists of 3, six week long courses. Each course offers an opportunity to engage in a meditation practice informed by Organic Intelligence® and The Mind Illuminated, within a community, and with support and instruction along the way.
Practicing in 3D 3 six week long courses
The Practicing in 3D Program consists of 3, six week long courses. Each course offers an opportunity to engage in a meditation practice informed by Organic Intelligence® and The Mind Illuminated, within a community, and with support and instruction along the way.
Each of the three courses supports you in beginning or re-engaging with your meditation practice through:
- Weekly Live Around the Fire Gatherings
- Small Practice Support Groups
- Weekly Downloadable Guided Meditations and Topic Talks
- Online Learning Classroom
- Question & Response Discussion Board
- Additional Resources, including talks and guided meditations from other voices
- 1-1 Practice Check-In
I highly recommend that you engage in the Organic Intelligence Post-Trauma Systems Development, End of Trauma Course and/or Clinical Mindfulness offerings. They provide a uniquely supportive way of understanding and skillfully being with experience that can bring more ease and enliven your moment-to-moment life experience and formal practice.
The Program 3 six week long courses
Developing the Foundations of a Practice
This first course in the Practicing in 3D Program brings the understandings of Organic Intelligence® into the foundations of walking and sitting practices. We will be building the skills of Orientation and Orientation to Pleasure as we set our intentions for practice, explore different postures, and introduce the steps of stabilizing the attention, and discuss other key components for establishing a vital daily practice.
Meditation practice doesn’t have to be a dry experience. Our practice can come alive through community and through experiencing the ways formal practice folds into and enriches daily life. We can open more to daily life through developing a relaxed, non-judgmental relationship with what arises in our practice.
What we’ll Explore
How to Practice
Why to Practice
Levels of Setting Intentions
Details of Walking Meditation
Details of Sitting Meditation
What is Attention
Practices to Stabilize Attention
What is Awareness
Practices to Increase Awareness
Cancellations made 2 weeks or more in advance of the course start date will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations made 1-2 weeks before the start date will receive an 60% refund. No refunds will be given for cancellations made for less than 7 days before the start date of the course for course logistical reasons.
To cancel, contact Robin using our cancellation form.
Delighting the Heart of Practice
In this second course of the Practicing in 3D Program, we continue to expand into practice by encouraging joy and delight through engaging the heart. By cultivating the Brahmaviharas of kindness, compassion, appreciative joy, and equanimity, you are creating a rich soil in which practice can flourish, as well as pointing towards the actual experience of the unfettered mind.
As in the first course, we will be starting from where you are. We will bring in known understandings of what can enhance our practice and what can hinder our practice. We will also explore how these show up in daily moment-to-moment life experience, all within the context of our heart practices.
PREREQUISITE: Develop the Foundation of Practice
What We’ll Explore
Stabilize and Open the Heart Through:
Embracing Kindness / Friendliness
Cultivating Compassion
Opening to Appreciative Joy
Resting into Equanimity
Practicing from Where You Are
Cancellations made 2 weeks or more in advance of the course start date will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations made 1-2 weeks before the start date will receive an 60% refund. No refunds will be given for cancellations made for less than 7 days before the start date of the course for course logistical reasons.
To cancel, contact Robin using our cancellation form.
Deepening the Path of Practice
This third course of the Practicing in 3D Program introduces you to ways of perceiving your experience that are fundamental to deepening your understanding of practice. We will specifically be addressing what are called the hindrances, exploring antidotes and physiological contributions.
What We’ll Explore
Continued Stabilization and Freedom
Orientation to Pleasure without Grasping
Recovering from Conditioned Ill-Will
Understanding Tranquility and Restlessness
Cultivating a Bright Mind to move through Dullness
Grounded “Faith” when Doubt Arises
Cancellations made 2 weeks or more in advance of the course start date will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations made 1-2 weeks before the start date will receive an 60% refund. No refunds will be given for cancellations made for less than 7 days before the start date of the course for course logistical reasons.
To cancel, contact Robin using our cancellation form.